Eyewear Self-Assessment Tool

Futures and Economic Literacy

I actively think about various scenarios for the future, including both expected and unexpected possibilities.

I can identify actions and steps needed to move towards my preferred future, considering sustainability. (person is capable of recognizing and planning specific actions and strategies that will help achieve their desired future goals while taking into account principles of sustainability)

I use my imagination to envision sustainable futures that are different from today’s world.

I consider the impact of my actions today on future generations and the planet.

I know how to legally register a business

I am able to monitor my budget and deal with reporting income and expenses

I am able to deal with my business taxes, insurance and other deductions

I know where to look for National programs and funding schemes for my business

Systems Thinking

When I have a problem, I can see different elements from it

I understand that sustainability issues are linked in environmental, economic, social, and cultural areas.

I think about the long-term impacts of decisions, not just the immediate effects.

I can find key points in a system to tackle problems.

I actively seek and integrate multiple perspectives (e.g., scientific, cultural, economic) when analyzing systems-related problems

I can create and use systems maps to visualize complex relationships and processes

I assess solutions based on their overall impact and sustainability.

I identify and leverage synergies between different elements of a system to enhance sustainability

Critical Thinking

I carefully check the source and content of information before using it.

I have the ability to deconstruct a complex problem into smaller, more manageable components.

I feel comfortable challenging established ideas to propose sustainable alternatives

I reflect on how my personal thoughts might influence my understanding of business issues.

I combine information from different fields to better understand the situation

I am good at constructing and following logical arguments.

I draw well-reasoned conclusions to make informed decisions.

I am open to new ideas and perspectives, despite the fact that they challenge my own beliefs.

Problem Framing

I ensure that I thoroughly understand the context and background of a problem before attempting to solve it.

I distinguish between different types of problems when approaching sustainability issues

(straightforward (Simple, clear, and easy to understand), formidable(Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.), manageable (Able to be controlled, directed, or accomplished without too much difficulty.), wicked(Extremely difficult or complex, often used to describe problems that are hard to solve because they are interconnected and have many factors))

I actively seek diverse perspectives when framing a problem.

I have the ability to reframe problems from different angles to uncover new insights and potential solutions.

I understand and consider the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders when framing sustainability problems.

I can identify underlying causes of problems, not just the symptoms

I design solutions that are inclusive and consider the impacts on all affected stakeholders.

I adapt my problem framing and solutions based on new information and changing contexts.

Digital Competences (according to DigiComp- European Framework for the Digital Competence)

I am able to fill in online forms for different types of platforms (i.e. e-banking, taxes, accounts, etc.)

I can  easily sell and purchase products and services online

I am able to use social networks to promote my business (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Whats-app, Viber, Zoom)

I can edit videos, podcasts and other digital material for business purposes

I am able to use my mobile phone as a marketing tool

I am able to find information online that supports my business

I know how to find information online about competitors, business needs, trends, etc.

I am able to protect my personal data and my business

Futures and Economic Literacy

Systems Thinking

Critical Thinking

Problem Framing

Digital Competences