Volunteer Program
1. Mission and Vision
The Volunteer Program of MVidee Foundation aims to engage part of the positive public energy in realizing its mission – to empower children, youth and women through art, fostering creativity, self-expression, and gender equality in The Netherlands. The Volunteer Program of our organization has the ambition to unite citizens with different interests and capabilities, religion and ethnicity to promote MVidee Foundation’s values.
This program gives volunteers the opportunity to directly support the activities of the MVidee Foundation by getting involved in various of its initiatives and/or activities related to the provision of social services.
The Volunteer Program is based on the following principles:
- Voluntariness
- Respect for the individual
- Tolerance of differences
- Commitment to the cause
2. 3R’s: Recruitment, Retention and Responsibility
2.1 Recruitment
1. When applying, each aspirant volunteer submits a resume and motivation letter to the MVidee Foundation. If the application is approved, these documents are attached to candidate’s file. In certain cases (e.g. to hold a multiple event) it is not necessary to present the above documents.
After receiving a request from a candidate, the Coordinator of the Volunteer Program or the person who coordinates the volunteers in the social service center or the MVidee’s founders will conduct an interview. After this meeting, the interviewer assesses whether the candidate is suitable as a
volunteer and the applicant will be notified in an appropriate manner.
2. After approval, applicants who will perform voluntary work – direct work with children, youth and/or families at risk must submit the following documents:
- Criminal record certificate
- Clean bill of health
- Medical certificate of physical skills, when necessary
All other volunteers of the MVidee Foundation do not submit the above documents; volunteers who provide expertise pro bono do not submit the above documents.
2.2 Retention
The relationship between the volunteers and the MVidee Foundation is regulated in the Agreement for performing volunteer activities, drawn up by the coordinator of the volunteer program. In special cases, the Foundation may work with volunteers without such an agreement: in these cases, each volunteer signs a declaration whose content is relevant to the organized event/activity. After signing the agreement, the MVidee Foundation and the volunteer set a schedule for carrying out the volunteer activity. The MVidee Foundation can invite its volunteers to internal celebrations, holidays, events, initiatives etc.: volunteers may undergo induction training if necessary and if the Foundation is able to provide it.
2.3 Responsabilities
The MVidee Foundation will keeps a volunteers’ record containing:
◻ a curriculum vitae and a motivation letter.
◻ the documents listed in 2.1 (only in case volunteers directly work with
children, youth and/or families at risk).
The Foundation provides suitable conditions for carrying out volunteer activities according to its capabilities. The Foundation provides support for its volunteers in an appropriate form and as needed (e.g. supervision, team meetings, etc.).